Miscellaneous Notes from J-Man
Eating Well:
Thank you so much for being an awesome mom. And for the recipes. ;)
Right After I Ordered Him the White Board and Pens He Needed from Amazon Spain:
I remembered right after my Preparation Day ended that there were things that I wanted. Right after I told you I was good. :P I would like a quality journal (I'm about to fill up the one I was sent with) and I never got that box of nicer pens from Dad before I left that I was told I was going to get as a belated Christmas gift. I don't have many pens, and all are running low on ink. So some quality pens would be appreciated as well! If that's at all possible. Just let me know what you can do when you can, thanks :)
Thank you so much for being an awesome mom. And for the recipes. ;)
Right After I Ordered Him the White Board and Pens He Needed from Amazon Spain:
I remembered right after my Preparation Day ended that there were things that I wanted. Right after I told you I was good. :P I would like a quality journal (I'm about to fill up the one I was sent with) and I never got that box of nicer pens from Dad before I left that I was told I was going to get as a belated Christmas gift. I don't have many pens, and all are running low on ink. So some quality pens would be appreciated as well! If that's at all possible. Just let me know what you can do when you can, thanks :)
Also, I'm so psyched that your writing room is finished. It looks awesome! You are such a good decorator and arranger. I also noticed I finally made it to the mantle next to The Family.
Take that, Braeden! Haha! I guess now I truly am the supplanter :P Please send pictures of Will's room when it's finished because I'm really excited to see what it's like.
Take that, Braeden! Haha! I guess now I truly am the supplanter :P Please send pictures of Will's room when it's finished because I'm really excited to see what it's like.
I love you sooo much!
Elder Jensen :)
On Being Sick:
Something happened to my throat Monday evening, so my voice wasn't at full capacity this week. It was practically gone on Tuesday, and very slowly recovered from there. I couldn't be much of a help when it came to contacting, and it was a little frustrating in every circumstance where I needed or wanted to talk. In light of that, dearest family, here are some quotes and references that this week reminded me of!
On Being Sick:
Something happened to my throat Monday evening, so my voice wasn't at full capacity this week. It was practically gone on Tuesday, and very slowly recovered from there. I couldn't be much of a help when it came to contacting, and it was a little frustrating in every circumstance where I needed or wanted to talk. In light of that, dearest family, here are some quotes and references that this week reminded me of!
"In Greece, he spent a year in silence, to better understand the sound...of a whisper..."
"You can chain my body, but you can never chain my *clunk* warrior spirit."
*any scene in Happy Feet where the dancing penguin tries to sing*
"You're in the pit of despair. Don't even th--*cough-cough*..."
"Severus...please..." (ok, that one is just sad)
*anything Treebeard's says*
"I remember when they invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate....I always hated it." (It was actually easier to talk louder when using that voice)
"I like to whisper too!"
*anything The Prophet of Truth says in Halo 3* (ask Braeden)
"A wooden leg named Smith. A wooden leg, named Smith. A wooden le--....*uncontrollable wheeze laughter*"
That's about all I got off the top of my head, but hold fast! This email is but a prototype of the weekly email that is yet to come in the meridian of my Preparation Day.
So until then, love ya, familia!
Elder Jensen :)
On Videos (Will talking and Maren playing guitar):
Thank you soooo much for the videos of Maren and Will! Feel free to do stuff like that anytime. Especially since I want to see what else Maren has in her set list, haha.
Elder Jensen :)
Turn Down the Sun:
Turn Down the Sun:
I've run into an unexpected problem with my clothes. I did not know that sun-bleaching was a thing and it's effecting mainly my darker pants because my sweaty legs occupy them in the sun all day. Is there some way to fix it? Dry-cleaning? Hand washing with a rock? Bathing them in my tears? A larger fast offering? Anything?
Your wisdom in clothing matters would be greatly appreciated in this time of need.
Help me, lovely Momma mia, you're my only hope...
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