Well I hate to be a bit of a downer, but this week's email probably isn't going to have much. I was sick in one form or another for most of the week. Luckily, it was mainly just in the throat, but that also stole my voice for a larger part of the week which made me pretty much useless in the streets. Luckily, we didn't have to spend too much time in the streets. Members fed us every day and that was quite the experience. I witnessed a small chubby child down three puddings after eating none of his lunch, Borja offering the final prayer, but inviting everyone to KNEEL first O_O, a shouting match between two present non-member brothers about whether or not God exists, and I manhandled my first whole shrimp in a bowl of very seafoody paella.
So there you have it! Another investigator that's waiting on something. I feel like she will make her decision soon enough. *sigh* Patience and encouragement. Patience and encouragement.
Quick pres. letter quote:
We've taught Fátima every lesson, and she's accepting of all of it, but as of Thursday, she doesn't want to get baptized until her parents know more about the church and attend a couple times. Well, she would would like to be baptized, but she wants her parents to be more comfortable about it. She actually planned on taking her father to church with her. We visited Fátima's parents again. This time, we weren't able to do more than share a scripture and invite them to church because they were in their store and things were a little busier that time. Her dad said he would come with Fátima if the store wasn't too busy. Neither of them came to church today, so we need to check up on what happened there. Otherwise, Fátima is still doing well, but now I'm not sure what to do or where to go at this point without a set date for baptism.
So there you have it! Another investigator that's waiting on something. I feel like she will make her decision soon enough. *sigh* Patience and encouragement. Patience and encouragement.
Right now, I am on a bus headed for Seville. We have zone conference tomorrow with a Seventy presiding, and they wanted the Badagang to be there on time for once (believe it or not, we live a ways away from Seville), so we're bussing down and spending the night there. Not the best way to end the day, but hey! We have WiFi.
I finished reading Jesus the Christ yesterday. Now I'm on a reading high and want to grab every church-related narrative and exposition I can lay my hands on. Unfortunately, that will have to wait because there's work to do and only so much literature I'm allowed as a missionary. Needless to say, it is a good read. It has expanded my understanding and knowledge of the life of Christ so much since I began this little adventure back in July. I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Through His atonement and sacrifice, we can be forgiven of a debt that we could never even hope to pay through our own efforts, though we can't forget that our own efforts are much desired nonetheless. He is my guide and my stay, and as hard as it is to do as an imperfect teenager, I will always do what I can to follow his example now, as I try to bring others unto Him, and for the rest of my life. I pray that I can continue to say that in the years to come.
If I don't see a single convert from two years as serving as a missionary in a country in such desperate need of a loving Heavenly Father and Merciful Son--as much as I'm working to find and help one--I will find some solace knowing that my mind is made up and my soul is Theirs.
Have a good one!
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