Get on outta the 'Joz!

November 27, 2017

Eating palmeras (heart-shaped pastry) in a circle on Monday

Badiós, Bada-bye-bye, Bada...whatever--I'm leaving!

I got the transfer call on Saturday from President Andersen. Elder Van Moos is going to train (hence the call from the mission president) and I am heading across the country to a pueblo called Elda. It's a driving area, and I get to ride shotgun. My new companion will be Elder Hansen and he is fresh out of training. So this means I'm senior companion! Hello more responsibility and accountability! Whoo! Haha! Dang it. I'm kidding, it should be a fun challenge to take on and definitely a learning process. I guess that's what the Lord wants for me this transfer, so who am I to kick against the prick?

Oh, on a side note, Elder Cobbley and Elder Recio thought for sure I was going to the office (everyone tells me that and I have no idea why) and got pretty annoying about it, sooo I told them I'm going to the office. The Cáceres elders and a lot of members here are in on it too. I'm just going to let them figure that out on their own. Elder Recio has been telling me stuff about Fuengirola and all the things I'll get to do, blah blah blah, and Elder Cobbley is saying he has the gift of revelation and they're both just so proud of themselves...I want to see how long it will take for them notice. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it's hilarious.

This was a good week. I don't have too much to say about it, so here's a president letter quote! 

"This was a good week in Badajoz. We set a goal to knock at least one entire building every day for the week and were able to most days. Nothing came from it, but it was a nice change of scenery for contacting. We were able to meet with Borja and Ytala this week and discuss The Atonement of Christ, what it does for us, and how we can understand that through The Book of Mormon. I am very sure that he has a testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, Ytala thinks the same, but he still doesn't think he's truly found his "answer". I've come to the conclusion that it will come in his own time with consistent encouragement if he continues doing what he's supposed to."

Thanksgiving was fun! The mission was given permission to change district meeting to Thursday so we could all be together. Our district bought a couple roasted chickens and stuck them in the oven, and Elder Van Moos helped me make a doubled recipe of mashed potatoes. We used the chicken juices as gravy because I've never made straight up gravy before and we didn't have too much time to prepare. It was quite the feast. There wasn't much to it, but it was filling.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I enjoyed my time here in Badajoz. I definitely grew a lot in my knowledge and usage of Spanish, and I've gained a greater appreciation for this perfect gospel that we have.

It's kinda crazy that Christmas and New Year's Day will have come and gone by the time this coming transfer is done. A couple days ago, the weather finally decided to act like it's approaching winter. The leaves are quickly changing and falling off on every tree that isn't olive (Fun Fact: olive trees are evergreens) and on certain mornings you can actually see your breath. I've been looking at the weather for Elda and it looks pretty similar temperature-wise, just a bit cooler.

I don't have much more to say. The whole transfer thing was pretty much the highlight :P 

I hope everything is going well wherever you might happen to be!

Elder Jensen :)

Some Goodbyes:

Borja, Ytala, y Brianna

Edison (Owner of Perrisabor, very fun guy)

La familia de León (Gabriel's mission call is practically here, was riding a bike and was hit by a car's side mirror hurting his shoulder and scratching him up a bit, but he's fine)

La familia León (we ate lunch with them after church)


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